How It Works

Breathing and Singing


Created by acclaimed singer/songwriter and vocal coach, Ruth Gerson, The Singingbelt is a innovative device that trains singers to sing better by using diaphragmatic breath support. The Singingbelt System is a comprehensive method that instructs singers in breath support, breath placement, positioning of the tongue, mouth, palate and jaw, and ear training.

Is diaphragmatic breathing difficult? The Singingbelt makes singing from the diaphragm easy to learn.

Singing begins and ends with the breath. Breath support can seem mysterious, because the singer is manipulating air, which is invisible, with a muscle in the body that can’t be seen or felt the same way as the touch of a hand. Only a small amount of air is needed to vibrate the vocal cords and actually sing. It is all the air underneath it that is used to support the voice. Understanding breath support is the key to becoming a better singer – and learning how to keep the air in your lungs where you need it.

Using the diaphragm to support the voice is the most important and often most confusing component of vocal technique. The diaphragm is responsible for drawing air in and out of the body. As it flattens, air is drawn into the lungs – and we breathe in. As the diaphragm releases into a dome shape, air is released – and we breathe out. Without understanding how the diaphragm works, many vocalists push and strain their voice, especially as they attempt to sustain or hit the high notes. Singers may stick out their chests, flex their abs, grip the jaw or push out their bellies in an uncomfortable position, in order to reach difficult notes. This doesn’t work. 

The Singingbelt shows you how to maintain the diaphragm in a comfortably flattened position, resisting the release, so you don’t breathe out the air needed to unlock power, sustain, develop better tone, pitch and endurance. 

Singers can see, hear and feel how to control the diaphragm, by the relative firmness or slack of the belts. The Singingbelt adjusts and fits to each individual body, sitting mid to lowest rib, without constricting the abdominal wall, so that all the lower core muscles can be expanded and used together, providing the foundation to effortless singing.